Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cyber Monday Sale

Greetings Friends!

Well, it's that time of year again....  We've put away the leftover turkey and that means it's time to begin the holiday shopping!  So here at Fantonomicon Press, we're starting our Cyber Monday Sale a little bit early and we've knocked all our Printable Pawns down to

50% OFF!

That's right!

50% OFF ALL Printable Pawns!

Now is the time to get ém folks, so act fast because this sale ends Monday night!

Happy Holidays and
Good Adventuring from

Tim at Fantanomicon Press

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Labor Day Sale

Howdy Folks!

Just a quick FYI to everyone out there:

Labor Day is coming and that means Labor Day Sales!  Well, here at Fantanomicon Press, we're having one, too.  For a limited time, ALL sets of Printable Pawns are available at 25% OFF!

So if you're missing a set, now is the perfect time to get it from the Fantanomicon Press Store on DriveThruRPG!  But you've got to act fast, because the sale ends soon!

Happy Labor Day and
Good Adventuring Everyone!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Independence Day Sale!

Happy Independence Day everybody!

It's the Fourth of July and that usually means backyard barbecues, fireworks, and holiday sales!  I didn't want to be left out so I decided to run a sale, too, drastically reducing our already low prices. The sale lasts all weekend, but...

TODAY ONLY all of our Printable Pawns are 50% OFF!

That's right, friends, every one of our Printable Pawns sets --each with sixteen different characters on three different basing styles available in both color and black-and-white, making of a total of 96 figures PER SET-- is on sale for HALF PRICE TODAY ONLY! Don't miss it!

Visit our store page by clicking HERE.

Have a happy and safe holiday, everybody, and...

Good Adventuring!
Tim at Fantanomicon Press

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Printable Pawns: Fantasy Zombies

Printable Pawns:  Fantasy Zombies

            Does a Necromancer require bodyguards of unwavering loyalty?  Does a Death Priest need unstoppable soldiers to further the plots of his Evil Deity?  When the Cursed Artifact was destroyed, did its foul power seep into the local graveyard? 

          Zombies.  Created from the empty husks of the once-living, they have no souls.  They have no intellect, no personality, no will of their own.  They cannot be reasoned with.  They cannot be bribed.  They have no conscience, no “good nature” to appeal to.  Though they lack speed or guile, they are relentless and will strive to follow their simple orders until destroyed or driven away by a Cleric.

          This set contains sixteen different characters suitable for fantasy games.  These figures come in THREE different construction styles: A-Frame, T-Frame, and Based Figures for swappable bases. In addition to the colored characters, there is also a printer-friendly black-and-white version suitable for your own custom colors.  All figures are 30mm scale.

Friday, April 4, 2014

International Tabletop Day Sale at DriveThru RPG

Greetings and salutations!

Today is International Tabletop Day, a day commemorating both togetherness and gaming!  In honor of this great occasion, we here at Fantanomicon Press are holding a sale drastically reducing our already low prices.  The sale lasts all weekend, but TODAY ONLY all of our Printable Pawns are 50% OFF!  That's right, friends, every one of our Printable Pawns sets --each with sixteen different characters on three different basing styles available in both color and black-and-white, making a total of 96 figures PER SET-- is on sale for HALF PRICE TODAY ONLY!  Don't miss it!

Happy International Tabletop Day, folks!